
MS, Computer Science, Georgia Tech, 2019
AS, Computer Programming, Santa Monica College, 2016
BA, Japanese Studies, UCSD, 2006


Companies and their projects I have worked for:

Technical Support Engineer, Data Analyst, and Business Systems Analyst (Zendesk)

Pocket Gems - Episode
Customer Support Lead and Business Systems Analyst (Zendesk)

Riot Games, Inc. - League of Legends
Finance Associate


Safety Awareness Training VR

I developed Safety Awareness Training VR as a short demo for
my Educational Technology class at Georgia Tech.
This application was created using Unity and SteamVR.

Healthy Heart

A Python/Django website that incorporates FHIR user
biometric lab data and Framingham Study data
to advise users of their current heart health,
and how to improve it through diet and exercise.


Sample CS KPI Dashboard

A Looker Studio Customer Support KPI Dashboard connected
to an automatic ETL pipeline of CS data from Zendesk Explore
to Google Sheets, through Google Apps Scripts triggers and code.
This Dashboard provides daily insights, trends, and KPI metrics
vital to any monitoring the progress a CS Team.

  • Looker Studio - Dashboard
  • Google Sheets - Dataset
  • Google Apps Scripts, Triggers - Programming and automation
  • KPI metrics - Customer Support Domain Knowledge
  • Zendesk Explore - Business Systems Knowledge
  • ETL Pipeline Creation - Zendesk to Google

Sample Market Analysis Dashboard

A Looker Studio Market Data Analysis Dashboard connected
to a Postgres Database. The dataset in Postgres database was webscraped
using Python and contains over 40 million public marketplace listings
with 100 datapoints per listing.

  • Looker Studio - Dashboard
  • Postgres - Dataset
  • Python - Programming and automation
  • Sales metrics - Retail Market Performance Domain Knowledge

Sample Spreadsheet - Fraud Risk Report

A Google Spreadsheet analyzing a smaller dataset of datapoints representing risk.
The data was randomly generated using Python, and exported to CSV.

  • Google Sheets - Spreadsheet
  • Pivot Tables
  • Index Match - Data Linking Formulas (improvement on Xlookup and Vlookup)
  • Python - Random data and CSV generation
